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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 4, 2014 2:00pm-2:31pm EST

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it is west of wanting to tear his country apart, and warns russians of tough times ahead. meanwhile a deadly attack, deal as fresh blow to peace in chechynia. >> also coming up the video that appears to show fighters killing as he is injured on the ground. plus. >> protests in the u.s. says another grand jury
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decision stirs racial tenses. and the rise of will she replace her husband to lead zimbabwe. >> a suicide pommer flew up a cafe, killing 15 people. earlier 16 people died and two car bombings in mainly shiite neighborhoods. and elsewhere in the capitol three peel were killed by a roadside bomb, in the schwab neighborhood. let's go straight now to baghdad, and speak oour correspondent who joins us on the phone, what else can you tell us? >> well, the explosions are clearly trying to take advantage of the start of the weekend here. on -- before the friday
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holiday, and the streets were absolutely packed with people going to shopping, dinner, going to calf fies as they were in southern cities. where one of those went off a car bombout side a street, the other one went off outside a parked market and another bomb about in a shiite neighborhood, reinforcing that neighborhoods and shiite targets are still one of the biggest targets sunted behind this. >> live for us in baghdad, for now, thank you. the russian president says he will not ahow the west to dismantle the country like yugoslavia.
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the president arriving a t the grand cream lynn palace in his traditional entrance, this was always going to be a difficult speech. the economy batted by sanctions in the fall of the price of oil, the country isolated by the international community, over the war in ukraine. but the president was in combative mood, accusing the west of wanting to see russia broken up. dismantled he said. despite the fact we have been supporting our enemies of yesterday as close friends including the informational political and financial one through intelligence services with absolutely obvious. and there is no doubt that they would have loved to see the
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yugoslaviaser name owe of collapse for us with all the tragic consequences it would have for the people of russia this has not happened we did not allow it. >> he said the military supremacy must be guaranteed. he is using ukraine as an excuse to cripple russia. >> speaking about the sanctions this is not just a nervous reaction to our stance in regard to the events and coupe in ukraine. >> to use it for it's own goals. >> he said the central bank decision to allow the currency to float did not mean it was giving up influence over the rate
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which has fallen 40% against the dollar. he insisted that russia would never go down a path of self-isolation. >> russia be open to the world to cooperation, to attracting foreign investments and to the implementation of joint projects. >> as closure and layoff become more common, he announced special measures to announce the small business that is he believes will help lead the economy out of recession al jazeera, in position cow. >> president putin also praised. during a siege in the capitol. when rebels launched an offenseny the heavily
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fort fied city care line malone has the details for us. >> the press house up in flames. shown in this amateur video the fighting went oven for hours and a part of the city was sealed off, including a central marketplace. >> fighters also barricaded themselves inside a school. the police patrolled the streets including residential areas. russian president vladimir putin said he was confident that local security forces would
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wyatt up the threat. the same rebels have showed up in chechynia, i am confident that our local law enforcement will handle it. it is them who are now heading the operation for liquidation of yet another group but the attack underlines the security situation people in this oil rich region have been strongly pro independent for centuries. to crush the separatist movement. >> rah new constitution
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gave them more autonomy, but it enshrined. they have highlighted the on going insecurity. now explains. >> but he assured his listeners that the problem will be dealt with by the local authorities by the chechyniaen authorities kind of by his friend, and if you look at the big picture, you will see that the neighboring muslim -- pakistan are less secure. if you look at the number of people killed,
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chechynia is almost an island of stability. not inside chechynia itself. >> confirmed recently attempt add rescue operation am kade do and the arabian peninsula, which operates is now threatening to execute him as he was kidnapped in september 2013. unless certain unspecified demands were met. al-shabaab fighters claim they have shot down a military jet in southern somalia, but kenya says the aircraft crashed because of technical problems .
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>> for the ruling party, it's leader president robert accused this vice president trying to assassinate him, while delicates speculated that he is trying to make sure his wife succeeds him. he is there, she sent us this report. >> he wants to send a message to anyone trying to get rid of him, and in particular, that message was forhis vice president. joyce. >> >> threatening their own future. they could change.
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[applause] >> all about kicking the president out of power. >> planning to assassinate him and making herself president, an allegation she denies. >> it is expected that the vice president for long. >> several people have tried -- morgan and now joyce -- so far no one has succeeded and they have always managed to survive. >> the 90-year-old leader is africa's holdest estate, and has tightened it's grip on power, his wife is expected to be appointed here of another powerful body in the ruling party.
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really. the implication is that 20 -- the bells are going to be much tighter. at the same time, the defense has been made more or less. >> a lot more to come here in al jazeera, including afghanistan's president unveiling his plans for "transformational decade" for his country as he meets world leaders in london plus.
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hold hold hold. abort. >> failure to launch will tell you why nasa's new spacecraft couldn't get off the ground. >> a dirty deal. struck at the heart of government. >> egypt mismanaged its gas industry. >> taking the country to the brink of economic ruin. >> it's obvious that egypt was being ripped off. it's basically saying to the israelis, "look if you want to screw us, here's a tool you can use to screw us". >> al jazeera exposes those who made a fortune betraying an entire nation. >> you don't feel that you owe an explanation to the egyptian people? >> no... no... >> al jazeera investigates. egypt's lost power. december 17th. 10:00 eastern. on aljazeera america.
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here is a reminder of the headlines on al jazeera. a suicide bomber blew you have a caffey in the mostly kurdish city killing 15. earlier 16 people died in two car bombings. russian president has
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accused the west of wanting to tear his country apart. in his annual state of the nation address, he warns of tough economic times ahead, due to sanctions over the country's role in ukraine. >> and putin's speech cake hours after a deadly attack in chechynia. they storm the building in the capitol at least ten police officers and ten of the attackers were killed. >> the united states is said to approve $5 billion to fund the campaign against isil. some of that will go to kurdish peshmerga forces. reports now just south -- and the warning you may find parts of her report disstubbinging an isil fighter lies on the ground, captured by kurdish forces in a battle south. they should take him
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prisoner, instead what follows can be described as a war crime. >> a fighter shouts he is still alive, so the fighter on the left opens fire, and then the others follow suit. >> in another video given to us by a peshmerga fighter they are seen dragging the bodies around after the battle. the general after this position says his fighters do appear to the conventions regarding prisoners of war. >> we are always trying to operate under international law, and protect the lives of soldiers at war we challenges this saying the peshmerga has been with filmed killing fighters and. >> that's also true, what happens is they ask us to come to them and they approach news civilian clothes they then detonate suicide bombs. >> they say they aren't fighting a regular army,
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forces are ready to blow themselves up, killing ought those close by so they can't take any chances. they are manning the gate way to come here. the bridge in the distance is now the front line, and this is how close the fighters are to this forward position, but this constant flow of people going back to their hones in villages that are held by isis make them very jumpy. >> they don't know if there are sympathizers among them, one man told us that all is well where he lives. but as soon as the camera is off he said there is no life under isil. they say they are keeping the gate way open because they want to help the people to show they are humanitarian first, but this image will be damaged if they don't eradicate rogue prisoner abuse.
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people inside the city have uploaded video what is apparently the aftermart of air strikes, dozens of people are said to have been injuries. >> the afghan president has been outlining his vision for afghanistan during a major london meeting. he has asked for guarantees that his country will not be forgotten when the majority of international troops leave the president also asks for to be nor countries to back what he is calling afghanistan's upcoming transformation decade. >> it is the right time, it is the right time. our very long history, if only needed direct combat support in the last 13 years we hoped we will
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never need the right support, because the last thing we want is more peace is a top priority for us and we are determined to solve those problems politically that can only be solved. >> simon mcgregor wood has more from that conference. >> this is principally about the new government of afghanistan presenting it's future in the course of the new president, and his new partner in this national government the so called chief%ty he is a smooth talking former official of the bank, and he gave a very good impression of himself on how he sees the future of afghanistan, he spoke of the need to make the constitution of the country a daily reality for it's citizens, he said that the afghan people should judge his
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performance, on his government's ability to deliver real change, he spoke of preserving all the changes that have taken place so far, and he reassures the international community, that there was no question in terms of the security responsibilities that his government will now take on of the instruments of central power melting away. amido the renewed challenge of the taliban. it isn't clear whether or not he will convince his people, david cameron the prime minister of the conference, certainly seem to be convinced they gave very warm speeches and endorsement, in public they at least have great confident in his new government, but it was i think a undercurrent n both of the statements that they will be looking for real reform. and holding the president to his word, if the level of finance and donations of aid that the country
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needs continue to flow they will need real proof that he is changing and starting to deliver not just talk, but real change. mork is braced for a second night of protests after a grand jury decided not to charge a policeman over the deaths of an african-american during an arrest. he was caught in the a band choke hold by the officer. 83 people were arrested in demonstrations across new york immediately following the verdict. the decision not to inindictment the police officer comes at a sensitive time in police race relations after the defense of michael brown in ferguson. eric holder is promising a federal investigation into the case. joined now from new york, kristen, the mayor of new york has pleaded for calm there, so what is the situation like there now.
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>> misare racing for another night of demonstrations we can already see a heavy security presence this is a more organized event, after the decision not to charge the officer involved in the death was announced. we are hearing more anger, more frustration, more promises today, from local officials to do something about this problem and with are also hearing from the union that represents police officers here including officer daniel the officer who is seen in that video administering the choke hold. and the union is standing behind the officer saying that the video does not tell the full story. and asking that the community support police officers respect police officers and not resist
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arrest in cases where police are trying to arrest someone. but overwhelmingly, it is coming from the halls of congress new york representatives in coming a majority of them expressing their frustration that justice has not been carried out. >> how much is it the wider problem that police have in light of the michael brown incident in ferguson. well, clearly we hear that it is a systemic problem, not just a new york problem, not just a ferguson problem and that is reflected in the demonstrations on the
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issue of police accountability and police brutality. the thing we are hearing also, is because these grand jury processes are not resulting in charges being brought that the federal government needs to get involved that's what happened in the 1960's after the start of the civil rights movement then, and people are saying it needs to happen now. there's a question of whether or not local prosecutors can be objective enough in prosecuting police officers that they have to work with on a daily basis. >> with the latest from from new york, thank you al jazeera peter greste has been recognized as the awards australia's most prestigious journalism award ceremony. his brother received the award on his behalf. the annual event recognizes excellence in journalism.
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>> turning out on the streets today. >> it was the last report he filed from egypt, before his arrest on the 29th of december last year, along with mohamed fatny and baha mohamed. journalists deprived of their freedom are simply doing their jobs. >> and for that job he has now once again been recognized. >> the major journalisms awards has gone to some session rein addition, i have come prepared with a message from him. while i am truly honored to accept this award, i do so on behalf of all of those who it really belongs. to all who are part of the struggle not just for freedom in egypt, but for wherever the press is not
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truly free just because they don't live here. >> his passion is africa, kenya is where he is becaused, or supposed to be based. and now spent almost a year in a prison cell, along with our two other colleagues. at al jazeera denies all the charges and demands their immediate release. >> at least 70,000 women die in india of breast cancer every year. that's greater incident rate than anywhere else in the world. she was diagnosed with stage three cancer five months ago, after finding a lump in her breast life now revolved around cycles of radiation. she lost her sister breast cancer decades ago, but she never thought it would happen
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to her. >> i was shocked. because since i have it in my family, so that was a real bomb shell on me. >> she is not alone in her fight against breast cancer. almost 145,000 indians are diagnosed with it every year, breast cancer kills more women here than any other disease. most indian women know little to nothing about breast cancer. this lack of awareness are blamed for the death of 70,000 patients every year. says many of these deaths are preventable if the cancer prevented and treated early. >> but we don't have a mass screening program, we don't even have an awareness program going around the country. >> the government is
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planning increase centers to help detect and treat cancers. but for now, it is private ngos that are working with local communities. at this free camp, women are lining up to be screened for leukemia, cervical and breast cancer if there is a rush or something, we tell them to get investigated. and if it is positive we help them to get it treated. >> researchers warn that the number of indians diagnosed with cancer is said to increase over the next two decades. and they say the country desperately needs to invest in early detection and treatment. >> nasa's new orion spacecraft is still on the launch pad.
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the launch was pushed back 24 hours after a series of problems including high winds. this first mission is unmanned and will go into orbit for a few hours for tests. a lot more on our website, in this this this. >> it themselves equip and train people to document abuses. the renowned musician reflects on a life event that infliences his work now. >> i was bullied by a group of kids. they took my clothes out and